MOMCODE 2023 Annual Meeting Highlights

At MOMCODE’s 2022-23 Annual Meeting on September 9, we shared highlights from our Annual Report, held discussion forums, and heard from representatives of our local support networks across the country. The meeting also featured a keynote talk and by author, coach, and consultant Farzana Nayani on Parenting with a DEI Mindset.

Farzana spoke to our members about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, understanding how it can show up in the home, the difference between equity and equality and how they impact everyone. Farzana also moderated a group discussion on how to handle DEI-related questions and experiences as a parent and model inclusiveness. Members engaged in a wonderful conversation and came away with tools and insights to incorporate in our support networks and to empower ourselves as parents.

Farzana shared a fantastic resource with our members, the Racial Dialogue Readiness Handout, which is also available in her new book, Raising Multicultural Children. The worksheet contains a series of self reflection questions to help prepare adults for engaging in conversations about race with children and others.

MOMCODE members may request a link to view a recording of the Annual Meeting, including our discussion with Farzana Nayani by contacting us at


MOMCODE builds communities of open, diverse, and empowered moms.

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